Long Distance Acne Program


Long Distance program for those that don’t live locally or can not come in.  This option works beautifully!  This includes the initial in-depth phone consultation, along with email coaching to get your skin clear for 16 weeks.

Your Commitment:

I wish I could say clearing blemishes and breakouts was as simple as an easy, online consultation. 

A large part of committing to your acne-banishing plan is using the products that are prescribed to you. As an acne expert, I can make a lot of recommendations, but the change comes from you. The typical acne home care regime usually costs between $350 most products lasting 6 to 12 weeks. 

I'll always do my best to work with your budget in mind. I might also suggest changing hair or makeup products, or make dietary modifications, but it’s always done with glowing skin in mind.

Getting Started

Once you make your purchase, I'll send you an email that includes my comprehensive acne questionnaire. It asks every question I need to determine your acne type so we can begin creating a personalized skincare plan just for you.

This email also includes instructions on how to send me photos of your skin. Pictures are crucial for helping me evaluate your skin condition and make the best possible recommendations. Think natural lighting, clean skin, and every angle as your best angle.

Glowing skin, here you come!

Your $75

One Master Consultation over the phone

Your acne specialist will:

  • Identify your primary acne triggers.
  • Determine your acne type.
  • Review your digestive system, stress levels, and hormones.
  • Determine which products you should use and teach you how to use them.
  • Recommend supplements to help re-balance your body from the inside out.
  • Educate you on the unique factors that aggravate your acne. These may include food choices, hormonal birth control, medications, and stress.

Acne Check-Ins every two weeks for 16 weeks:  

You will receive an email check in form. Fill it out and send it back with new pictures to receive your updated regimen.  This step is vital to your success!